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Your Hero's Journey Program Details

Your 90 Day Odyssey to Your Impossible Dream Fulfilled!

Enjoy learning more below, then scroll to the bottom of the page to set up your personal phone or Zoom call

with me to answer any questions.

Are You a Woman Who Longs to Give Your Heart's Deepest Gift to the World?


 Are You Frustrated and Disappointed Because Your Efforts, Desires and Actions

Have been Blocked, Time After Time?


Do you question the very existence of the Law of Attraction because you've done "everything" right?


Have you felt, at times, like a failure as you've watched others shine in their spiritual endeavors?


Then, this course was designed for you!



Tell me the dream that would make your heart sing with joy!


Tell me of the greatness that lies unexpressed within your soul!


Share with me that buried treasure that you've longed for, planned for, and taken steps toward, but somehow you haven't reached the golden shores of.


I know, firsthand, the fears you have that you might never make it. I know firsthand of your disappointment and frustration with the living forces of Life that have not opened the doors to your dream.


Sure, you've made some progress, but have you blasted through to your ultimate dream of sucess?

Are you dancing in the joy of your soul's deepest expression?

Are you living in the home of your dreams?  Do you have the lifestyle of your dreams? Do you wake each morning, excited to begin uplifting others through your soul's work?


Life has now led you to this heart-based program that will help you to uncover

the vast unlimitedness inside of you. 


You are the creator of worlds! This Program, Your Hero's Journey to Your "Impossible" Dream Fulfilled supports you with tool after tool, inspiration after inspiration, to awaken the beauty and splendor that is the true essence of who you really are.


What do I mean when I say that you are "the creator of worlds"?  We know that the physical world is first created within the finer realms of reality, and then manifests in our 3D, 4D world. We know that every thought is creative. We know that every emotion boosts the power of every thought. We know that thoughts that are repeated become beliefs. Beliefs stimulate action. Action moves energy forward into physical reality.


You've chosen every detail of your physical and emotional life- how you fill each hour of your day, what you choose to eat, 


If you're ready to really go for your heart's dream and to make that a new reality, you've come to the right place! Using the Law of Attraction and the Force of Love (the essence of all life!) to mindfully and consciously create a new and wondrous life are the keys here, that will propel you forward.


In these 6 life-changing Modules, here are a

few of the benefits that will enrich your world:


Your feminine wisdom will awaken. You'll learn to trust your own inner guidance as you learn to "claim" your dream by moving into the light and Truth of who you really are, and what you came to give. When you claim your dream as the natural expression of you, as an individual human, you then awaken your deeper gifts of perception of finer realms of existence. You are led to others who can help you along the path, as others delight in seeing you shine your light.


And your story enlightens them, showing them the next step in their journey of awakening. 


If you've been one of those who love to give and to share, but have a little trouble receiving, you'll understand what it means to partake of the complete circle of both giving and receiving. You'll open more to the cornucopia of treasures that Source Creator has for you.

If you've been making great money, but still feeling hollow in your spirit, this program can give you the tools to not only get a headstart on manifesting your "Impossible" Dream, but will fill your heart and soul. 


If you feel comfortable accepting and deserving a great income from your less than ideal daily work, but might feel awkward in allowing a great income from your "true spiritual work", this course will support you in opening to deeply receive more than you ever dreamed possible. 


You'll create real peace in your life, using the beautiful gifts of your mind and spirit. You won't have to work yourself to the bone in order to create true success. You'll work at your own pace. You can ease into building your empire. How does that sound?





 My Story (Condensed)


I grew up running wild and free, riding horseback through the corn fields of northern Illinois.  I escaped the hardships at home by immersing myself in nature. My father had gradually became a violent alcoholic, while my mother passively did nothing to stop the beatings and emotional impact on my sisters and I.


I was punished for speaking out or having a different opinion from my father. You can guess that this dynamic produced a daughter who felt forced to hide her own truth. Not only that, but I deeply ingrained the reality that my worth was found in hard work- housework, painting fences, mowing the lawn etc. This dynamic was to affect my financial flow for decades.​​​

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In Morning Light

In my first year of college, I joined a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Organization, and began teaching daily Yoga classes in the nearby park. This time of my life was valuable in so many ways, while at the same time, one gave quite a bit of one's power to the lead teacher, Yogi Bhajan. Gradually, I began to want to live my life free of others' opinions and "rules".


Over the years, I grew enough in my sense of my own path to leave the Yoga Organization (see my first book, "White Buffalo and the Rainbow Warrior" available as a download above, under Elisha's Books. My ex and I started our own spiritual center in Fullerton, California, "The Crystal LIght Center", where we taught a variety of classes for others who lived a spiritual, holistic and heart-centered lifestyle.


A few years later my "ex" and I divorced. I moved with my 3 sons to the mountains of Colorado, where I was hired as the Nutrition Manager and Buyer for Wild Oats Market. I enjoyed this position for 2 years, and received much praise, bringing my two departments to number 1 in the nationwide company. I loved the continued trainings from many herb and supplement companies! I was flown around the country by herbal companies to train in their facilities, and was able to look down microscopes with some of the top herbal researchers in the US. I had a blast!


My life slowly unfolded without my dream of teaching workshops around the world being realized. This created a barely noticed thin grey cloud that followed me wherever I went. No-one would have noticed anything unusual because I was usually upbeat, and had many moments of pure joy and laughter. Still, on rare occasions, a single tear would slide down my cheek as I observed others' goals being manifested and dreams coming true, while I hit wall after wall with my spiritual classes and workshops. I didn't know what I didn't know, and that was how to reach people with my classes and offerrings. 


I had been evolving, writing and doing Yoga for those many years when our beautiful planet Earth and all of her children began to move into an accelerated cosmic time line where each member is being called forward to shine her brightest light. I now began to step more fully in to my own brightest light, awakening more fully, and on a consciousness level began to claim my own mastery of my own world.


I finally moved beyond the violence of my childhood and beyond wanting to "hide" in order to be safe. I began to move into a place of more self-awareness and rapid expansion. I began working with the Angels from the Heart of God, and Ascended Masters (Hilarion and St. Germain) whose teachings slowly helped me to release the dense energies of fear and self-doubt. 


Their support led me deeper and deeper into being able to fully embrace the beauty and richness of this world, while having my head within the stars and universes.


This Program, "Your Hero's Journey" is my Signature Program that will support your own deeper awakening of you as the master creator of your own world.

The Biggest Mistakes that I Made in Realizing My Own "Impossible Dream"-  


1. I didn't believe in myself enough to take a risk in order to break through my stagnation in a meaningful way.


2. I thought that I knew enough and would figure it all out eventually. (I was used to doing things by myself, proud of doing things by myself, and wasn't clear on exactly when I needed to reach out for help.)


3. My self-identity was stuck in the past. I failed several times when I had tried so hard. I hit walls and was afraid that hitting walls was my destiny!


4. I will always be a Nature-loving woman whose favorite entertainment is to be out in Nature, hiking and biking, not a business executive who would be stuck in a generic office all day! I had to learn to re-identify myself. Eventually, I realized that I can be a passionate Nature-lover who communicates with flowers and trees, and also be radically succesful!  I learned that I could create my own ideal office space right here in my beautiful home. I don't have to choose one or the other. Life is as inclusive as we make it!


5. My "lack" mentality stopped me in my tracks. I hadn't yet honed the Law of Attraction and the Force of Love that is a part of this course, and which is focused and clarified in my 5 Steps to Manifesting. I hadn't yet created my Solid Gold Step-by-Step Plan.


6. My lack mentality reflected through all of my thinking and my life-creation. I would experience amazing mystical breakthroughs and then fall back into my old habit of struggle. I hadn't yet learned how to leave struggle behind.

(You'll do this naturally with "Your Hero's Journey"). 


7. So many nights (and days) a tiny part of me felt like a failure as I watched other spiritual mentors thrive in their businesses. I finally grew enough to break through to my own success. Yay!  My "secrets" are here for you. We won't mess around with the shallow tips that you'll see everywhere. We'll go directly for the real transformational stuff!


8. I was so embarrased when talking to old friends who knew of my many years' intention to be teaching around the world, and I was forced to say, again and again, "I'm on the verge of breaking through! I know my dream is right around the corner." I really did believe this! Year after year, I repeated this report to my old buddies. 

How could they believe anything that I said, when I was stuck in the same place, year after year?

And even worse, how could I believe in myself?


9. The one rationalization that I never used was, "I just don't have time!". Because living this dream was my top priority, I would have made the time no matter what. We make time for our priorities. I just didn't know what else to do. I had "tried everything!" 


I wish that I had had my Solid Gold Plan and this entire course many years ago! Here it is for you to more quickly and easily grow through those challenges that I had no real-world support for.

Here is the framework that might have saved me years of suffering and floundering.


Solid Gold Plan-


Stage 1- Awakening- The awakening exercises, stories and "Homework"  included in Your Hero's Journey will vastly expand your light frequency. Success and fulfillment are all about frequency!


Stage 2- Expansion- You will expand your knowingness and your experience of Who You Really Are. As your Self-Awareness grows, you'll understand more and more the steps that you are intuitively guided to take.


Stage 3- Alignment- You'll expand naturally into a frequency that perfectly aligns with your heart's desire. This is where "trying" and "hitting walls" stops. Your dream will move from the realm of "impossible" to the new realm of "possible" and then will manifest from the energy realm of "realization". Your new sense of Self propels you toward actually becoming "the one who is living your dream."


Stage 4- Fulfillment- You'll know for certain, "I have come Home to myself!" There is no other feeling, no other reality that will impact you as deeply as this. You are now living, giving and celebrating each day of your new life with your deepest purpose realized, and ever-flowing gratitude.  You have become your own Hero and Champion! Congratulations! 



A Life Changing Benefit is the Twice per month live
"Dreams Made Real" Group Zoom Session with me to review
Your "Inner Work" or "Homework" that is included in each Module. 

At the end of each Module (2 week period)
we'll review your realizations and awakenings, current challenges, 
what you're growing into and what you're growing out of! 

We'll celebrate your breakthroughs and achievements!
We'll set a clear goal for the next Module so that you know exactly 
what you're working on every Module period to take a giant step
closer to the top of your own "dream mountain". 

Between calls, you'll be able to ask questions, support others and have others support you through the "Dreams Made Real" Facebook Group of amazing awakened creators,
artists and healers. 


So, Why Not Ask Yourself:


What if right now is YOUR time? What if right now you were to take concrete action steps to your heart's deepest dreams?


What if you use the discovery of yourself as an unlimited Light-Being to shatter old self-perceptions and limiting beliefs?


What if you were supported by a live mentor to support you through the shadows of self-doubt and monster-sized fears?


What positive and miraculous changes will occur when you are shining your True Life's Purpose? How will your life change? How will you feel about yourself then?


What doors in your life will open when you embody your new thoughts and self-value with a full 90 Day Course that makes these changes last a life-time?


How will your health improve as you find the courage to take the steps to stand at the top of your own "impossible" mountain summit? Body, mind and spirit are sooo connected! Fearful beliefs and frequency can create trauma in the cells. Change the frequency and health improves!


How will your relationships improve when you stand for YOU? Changing yourself will always change your relationships. Those who don't want you to succeed may fall away... or they may embrace your changes, and ask how they can do the same thing!


How would your self-image rock your entire world when you experience that you have become your own Hero and Champion?


You are the artist who is creating your life. The life-force comes from God or Source. Your thoughts and emotions are the paints used to bring your masterpiece to life. Fearful thoughts and emotions create fearful vibrational hooks that reflect fearful events back to you. Thoughts of trust, fun and safety bring more of the same back to you, kind of like a boomerang! What you are throwing out returns to you.


So, enjoy every Module, every tool, visionary journey and manifestation that lie ahead for you!​​


The Your Hero's Journey- A 90 Day Odyssey to

Your "Impossible" Dream Fulfilled 



This life-changing course contains 6 Modules, each with a different design and content that will awaken you to a deeper and broader view of yourself as the co-creator of your reality. Each module contains 2 lessons. With each lesson, you'll be given interactive exercises, questions and multi-dimensional journeys that will bring new perceptions of yourself and of what is possible for you to create in your world. 


This is a very brief description of each Module.


Module 1:

Lesson 1- The Real Law of Attraction- The exact tools that I've used to create the life of my dreams. How I corrected false promises from "click bait" YouTube Videos, and Law of Attraction myths to get to the real core of Manifesting in 5 Easy Steps. I'll show you why you must become the frequency that you want to create... and exactly how to do that!


Lesson 2- Loving the Wounded Aspects of Yourself  You've uncovered those hidden generators of your low self-worth, and low self-value. Now, with the power of infinite love and gentleness, these fears and doubts are returned to your heart and loved unconditionally, so that each can contribute its beauty to your Wholeness.


Module 2: 

Lesson 1- Do You Feel Safe Shining Your Brightest Light? Unless you feel safe in becoming "seen" and in giving your gifts to the world, this will stop you cold! (Past and Present timeline fears stopped me for years!)


Lesson 2- How to Feel Deeply Worthy of Living Your Most Splendid Life! Along with some powerful "Homework", you'll recieve my core affirmation (words have great power!) that can literally change your DNA. Lesson 2 promotes your inherent self-worth and reminds you every time you look in the mirror! How would it feel to look into any mirror and without thinking, say, "You are so beautiful! You are so wise. You are so blessed!"


Module 3:

Lesson 1- Woman- Healer of Hearts- "Whispers of Love" Download  Use this heart-based healing system for yourself, friends or family.  Color and Light Healing that was used in ancient Atlantis, Lemuria and the Egyptian Temples of Healing.  


Lesson 2- Access your own dream worlds that will guide and awaken your spiritual mastery. Audio, "Riding the Dragon"- Ride the elements of all creation through visionary worlds as you unleash your power to create your own world in 5D, with Beauty and Magic!  Lesson 2 will be conducted on the LIVE ZOOM CALL.  I will let you know the exact time for this call when it's closer to the call date! Then, we'll all share experiences!  Einstein said, "Imagination is everything!" Fun!


Module 4:

Lesson 1- Intuition- Your Pathway to Your Own Inner Truth. Become guided by the Light and Love that are always within you. Make choices with love, ease, and grace!


Lesson 2- How to Stop Judging Yourself and Others- Judgment is the one lower-frequency element that can be transformed into healthy discernment as you merge that obstinate ego with the Light within.  


Module 5- 

Lesson 1- Never Choose to Identify as a Victim! As a master of creating your own reality, you'll learn exactly how you are creating every event in your life. Using a "victim mindset" lowers your manifesting frequency hugely. This teaching is invaluable!


Lesson 2- Discovering Your North Star- Shine Like a Diamond! Awakening Your Destiny through the Power of Love! Remember that it's Who You Are on every level that will lead you to your heart's deepest dream! You'll delve into characteristics and strengths that you didn't know you had! You'll use these as stepping stones to step up to your dreams.


Module 6- 

Lesson 1- Awakened Senses- A delightful sign of self-mastery! Do you go through life half-asleep, or are you fully awake to the beauty and joy that surround you? Within the experience of your self-mastery, you'll become exquisitely sensitive to taste, touch, hearing, smell, sight and your intuitive sensing. 


Lesson 2- Monetizing Your Dream- A Guidebook to Starting Your Dream Business. Here's the nitty gritty of creating your own program that expresses your heart's deepest gifts. Step by step, in sequence. 


Plus... Tons of my own stories that will make you laugh at my goofiness, and touch your heart with inspiration!


*Note- I can only deeply serve and mentor 10 participants at a time. Listen to your heart, listen to your gut and take action before these 10 openings are full. You must always trust your inner guidance. Choose that which enables your Highest Self!






















The time has come to make a decision, dear friend.

Will you take a stand for yourself? 

Will you drive a stake in the ground for your own fulfillment?  

Are you ready to "Come Home to Yourself" by giving yourself the gift of a lifetime?














Elisha and laptop  Feb. '24.jpg
Elisha Soleil Gabriell
Creator of  Your Hero's Journey- A 90 Day Odyssey to Your "Impossible" Dream Fulfilled

All this and Bonuses, too?? 

        (I like to see you smile!)

​Bonus #1  Sacred Verse-  Wise Woman Years 

These are the years that we've waited for. Years of wisdom, years of a deeper knowing, years of coming fully into ourselves. Enjoy!


Bonus #2  Sacred Verse- You Were Born for This!

As a child of the Universe, you were born with stardust in your soul and a higher purpose to accomplish. Enjoy these cosmic inspirations!


Bonus #3  Whispers of Love- Reclaiming the Love that You Are.

Healing system for you, your family and friends!


(I've included these Bonuses in the Program so that you won't have to download individual documents.)

Your Hero's Journey- Full Course
One Payment: $1,495

Your Hero's Journey- Full Course
2-Payments of $795  30 days apart

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5% of "Your Hero's Journey" Profits Go to Heifer International to Help Communities Around the World Become Self-Sufficient
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