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** Dreaming Your Life Awake is Being Redesigned as a More Condensed Online Workshop- I'll Let You Know When It's Ready to Go!
Dreaming Your Life Awake!
Unveiling the Treasures in the Night
Week 1:
Dream Cultures Around the World
Types of Dreams
The 4 Steps to Dreamwork that Work Every Time
Healing within the Dream- the Dream Healing Process
Let's get going!
Week 2:
Breathe, Center, and Let's Interpret Dreams!
What inner mysteries are you discovering?
Week 3:
Breathe, Center, and Let's Surf the Messages of Dreams!
Which cosmic teachers are you meeting?
Week 4:
Breathe, Center, and Let's Listen and Learn from our Inner Teachers!
What fears are you healing?
Week 5:
Breathe, Center, Let's Travel Dimensions with our Dreams!
Which light-codes are you downloading?
Week 6:
Final Week
What did you learn from this character? What have you learned about yourself within this 6 week class? Are there repeating themes?
How has this tool changed your life?
Close and Blessing
Bonus! Riding the Dragon!
This truly wondrous audio journey takes you into a magical world where you experience "Dragon Medicine" first hand. You'll ride your own Dragon through each element of Creation, and open your heart to
the living heart of Gaia!
Riding the Dragon Audio- Value $147
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