The Lady of the Land
A long time ago, and far, far away, somewhere around 30 years ago, I lived for around a year in the hills and mountains of North Carolina, in a small town outside of Asheville.
I lived in a petite, rectangular home that had been placed on the land as a rental.
A dirt road ran past, further into the hills.
Outside the door was a meadow with a bubbling, crystal clear brook
with wildflowers that grew along the brook and filled the meadow.
Song birds flitted about, butterflies of many colors tasted the sweet nectar from the flowers, and made the meadow a place of dreams for me.
In early mornings, yet still dark, I would rise and come to sit at the little
kitchen table, where the window overlooked both sink and field...
indigo mountains in the distance. I would meditate and write in my journal of the
energies that I experienced there in my temporary, yet magical home.
Recently, I was flooded with these memories of this land of beauty.
I remembered that as I sat at the little kitchen table in a fairyland meadow, and my energy shifted into a higher realm, a part of my consciousness had created an archetype, the Lady of the Land.
I also remembered how I had delighted in the beauty of the sparkling brook,
and a song came to visit me. I started to sing:
The Lady of the Land
I am the Lady of the brook,
I am the Lady of the land.
I am the one who picks the flowers, the
Meadowsweet right to my hand.
Yes, I am she who tends the garden.
Yes, I am she who loves the worms.
Yes, I am she who greets the Sun.
I am the one who loves the Earth.
And when I speak the wind replies,
And when I ask, the rains come down.
I dance through every season bright,
And in every way my love comes around.
I am the Lady of the brook,
I am the Lady of the land.
I am the one who picks the flowers,
The Meadowsweet right to my hand,
The Meadowsweet right to my hand.
Elisha Gabriell 2022
If you'd like to hear me singing this little song of Nature, click here-
A song has a life of its own that it begins to sing through me.
Tho' I had practiced as an herbalist for several years, and had no experience with the wildflower, Meadowsweet in my earthly life,
this wildflower asked to be included in this song.
I found a photo of Meadowsweet so that you can see what it looks like, and get to know its energy a little.

I took this description straight from
Green Hope Farms:
Meadowsweet-This wildflower gem is a deep and compassionate healer. It opens us to be sweet and gentle to ourselves. Meadowsweet explains-
"I help you deepen your capacity to receive love. I take you towards a gentle view of yourself as divinity
experiencing itself.
This opens you to receive more love from Self and others."
My intention is that this song and the energy that it holds and shares, be a mirror for you to see the reflection of your own divinity. I hope that your heart is touched with magic, kindness, wonder and possibility. The new world of Love and Kindness has begun. We will build our homes with respect for a living and vibrant Earth. Know that everything has consciousness, and that you can share love and communication with every living thing.
Much love, many blessings!