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Laughing Goddess International

Calling Abundance, Inner Peace and Joy
Forth from the Divine that You Are!

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​Harnassing the Power of Love and Dreams,
Deep Healing and Tons of Laughter using the Deeper Principles of the Law of Attraction and the Force of Love!

These 105 Words of Power Activations Come from the Heart

to Affirm Your Power to Create Your World 

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Receive 105 Words of Power
Activations using the Law of Attraction and the Force of Love- Now!

Hi! I'm Elisha Soleil Gabriell


Kundalini Yoga teacher of 18 years, joyful creator,

visionary, healer and author.

(Click on drop-down menu to see my books)

I'm a passionate whole foods cook with 1500 hours of nutrition and herbal training,

and founder of

"Laughing Goddess International".


My passion is for YOU and women around the world to touch your inner beauty and wisdom, awaken inner guidance and learn to consciously create your heart's dreams! You are a Goddess! 


The age of limitation has been completed, and the time is Now to open to the magnificence of

Who You Really Are.


​Through this intention,

Laughing Goddess International came to be!



Your Hero's Journey- 90 Day Odyssey to

Your "Impossible" Dream Fulfilled!

Hey, it's Elisha! I will be mentoring a small group of  beautiful souls to the fulfillment of your heart's deepest dreams and highest destiny. When you're tired of hitting your head on unseen blocks, give yourself the gift of becoming all that you were meant to be.

Discover the Juicy Details!

Get Your Free Gift- 105 Law of Attraction Affirmations that Awaken Alignment with Your Heart's Deepest Dream Now!


Learn More? Click Here!

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Shine Like a Diamond!

Do You Know Who You Are?

Are You Embracing Your Life-Purpose?

 Turn low self-esteem into solid self-confidence; Uncover strengths and abilities that you were unaware that you have.  Learn techniques to release fear from your cellular structure; Change hesitation into brilliant self-knowing; Discover HOW your gifts can create self-supporting income for life-

Rock the Law of Attraction to create a real miracle; unfold your power to create your life's best expression;

Know yourself and what step to take next.


Testimonial Below-



Whoever buys this course from you will feel so lucky to have you as a mentor. You're so genuine, caring and enthusiastic. Such a great help!


Shine Like a Diamond! gave me the structure and assistance I needed to be able to look deeper into myself and to explore my life purpose. Elisha was readily available to answer questions, and genuinely cared about how I was doing in this program.


She even offered addtional exercises that helped me dig deeper and to get clarity on an issue where I was feeling stuck.  Elisha's big heart and enthusiasm were so refreshing! 


I highly recommend this beautiful, loving, nurturing course!


Love you my friend!!

Kathy Collins, Texas



Journey of Light-
Taking the Fear Out of Death So That We Can Fully Embrace Life!

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Free Live and Local Events!


I, Elisha, will be presenting true stories that teach, inspire and awaken hearts to the

sacred transition that we call "death".


I'll share my own NDE details from the hospital in 2018, and the Golden Portal of Light that I almost entered.


There will be an Angelic Activation that moves you out of fear and fully into embracing Love.


Death is a sacred journey of Light and Consciousness, - a beautiful transitioning from one realm of immense density (Earth) to another (what we call the Heavenly realms) where you'll know how immensely loved you are!


  You'll understand that you came to this physical reality to learn the Song of Love (the bass notes and the high notes!) from direct experience,

and that you return HOME to Love 

with a greater expansion of your soul from having adventured

through the illusions of Time and Space.


*You'll have an opportunity to purchase beautiful, quality, hand-carved and crafted Angel Statues that support artists, families and women in communities that are recovering from genocide and poverty in Bali, Nicaragua, Ukraine, Guatemala, 

Mexico and the US.


​​           **To Donate to Help Support this Mission of Love, Click Here-​




 PS. Did you know that Elisha has 30 years experience in Alzheimer's and Hospice Care?​​​​​

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*To Invite Elisha to Present in Your Colorado or New Mexico City, Please Click this Button to Go to the Agreement and Requirements

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*See My Lovely Interview Hosted by Here!  They did a great job!

Click This Link

 It was fun!

Thank-you for Shining Your Light!

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