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      Whispers of Love-          Love Heals Everything!

Your Personal Session with Elisha-

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Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. 
Love is the most powerful force in
ANY Universe!
                                                      Elisha Gabriell 1992

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Do you long to feel free to wholly and fully

express your deepest dreams for yourself 

and your family?

What fears, inner wounds or low self-value

would you love to forever release?


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The deepest inner peace is already within you,

awaiting Love's touch to set you free!

Love melts the walls that you've built 

though the illusion that they will protect you!


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Your every dream is calling you NOW.

Unlimited wealth;

Radiant health;

Boundless love in all forms,

Spiritual growth and intuition;

Weight Loss and Self-worth;

Freedom from Addiction.


Will you answer?

When love pours in, trauma and dense frequencies that we all carry are released forever!

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Your 30 minutes of transformative

healing with me, Elisha, starts here.

We'll connect by phone to get to the

root causes of 

limiting circumstances in your NOW life.


Awaken to the Greatness that You Are-

Love is here for you, every step of the way!


Whispers of Love: $129


Click  the Button to Schedule-

*Become a Certified Healer with
Whispers of Love

To Learn More, Click Here!

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